December 2004

Seasons greetings to everyone out there. It seems like 5minutes since i wrote the last newsletter which received its best response ever, thanks for the pics and the jokes, keep them coming.

so whats happened since last month. well we have been preparing the Christmas cards which is a major task, as we now have over 6,000 customers we sign, fold, add to envelope, label & stamp and believe it or not that is a full weeks work.

another December is here, wow that has come around quick this year, have you all got those last minute pressies sorted, if not and you need something different for the person who has everything, give me a call and i should be able to still deliver for Christmas. even drop me an email; Tracey@specialistcarsltd.co.uk i have numerous different gifts available.

John & Don are available for the last minute sales just incase you fancy a new "sleigh" before the 25th, we have the best selection we have ever had with literally every model you can think of and dont forget its not only Porsches, our vast list of contacts has made numerous clients very happy with other manufacturers than Porsche (if there is such a thing)

keep your eye on the website, we are presently designing some new ideas and plan to have all our parts, accessories and even some 2nd hand items on special offer including a vast range of used wheels which we currently have in stock.
i will keep you all informed of the date for the launch.

whilst on the subject of new ideas, if anyone out there has a suggestion for the website please feel free to run it past me.

anyway, short & sweet this month but please keep those emails coming to us and please do not hesitate to contact any us listed below if you have any questions.

john@specialistcarsltd.co.uk for sales & servicing
don@specialistcarsltd.co.uk for sales
tracey@specialistcarsltd.co.uk zymol, website and accounts

finally John & his team would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Kind Regards

All at Specialist Cars of Malton

07000 997 997

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